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International Congress for Protective Labour-Legislation at Zurich 23rd to 28th of August 1897. The circulars of the Organising Committee. Papers and motions and Provisional List of the Participants in the Congress.
International Congress for Protective Labour-Legislation at Zurich 23rd to 28th of August 1897. The circulars of the Organising Committee. Papers and motions and Provisional List of the Participants in the Congress.

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Preis: 28,00 EUR
(inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten)

International Congress for Protective Labour-Legislation at Zurich 23rd to 28th of August 1897. The circulars of the Organising Committee. Papers and motions and Provisional List of the Participants in the Congress.


Zurich, Librairie de la Société Suisse du Grutli, 1897.


150 S. Original-Broschur.

Hintere Umschlagseite leicht angeknickt. Sonst sehr gutes Exemplar (back cover slightly creased. Otherwise very good copy).

Sachgebiet Sozialpolitik

Das Angebot wurde Ihrem Warenkorb hinzugefügt.