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Zone 1 (Deutschland) 5,00 €
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Zone 3 (Restl. Europa) 16,00 €
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Angebot SB-19818Schließen
Magnificent Books, Manuscripts and Drawings from the Collection of Frederick, 2nd Lord Hesketh, Sotherby's, London, 7 December 2010, 3 volumes (Part I - III).
Magnificent Books, Manuscripts and Drawings from the Collection of Frederick, 2nd Lord Hesketh, Sotherby's, London, 7 December 2010, 3 volumes (Part I - III).

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Preis: 24,00 EUR
(inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten)

Magnificent Books, Manuscripts and Drawings from the Collection of Frederick, 2nd Lord Hesketh, Sotherby's, London, 7 December 2010, 3 volumes (Part I - III).


London, Sotherby's, 2010.

Mit zahlreichen, teils ganzseitigen Illustrationen auf hochwertigem Kunstdruckpapier in hoher Farbqualität.


114, 46, 74 S. Farbig illustrierte Original-Broschuen im Format 27 x 21 cm.

Neuwertige Exemplare (like new).

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