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Zone 1 (Deutschland) 8,00 €
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Zone 3 (Restl. Europa) 27,00 €
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Zone 5 (Restl. Welt) 50,00 €
Angebot SB-19730Schließen
Unkwown Mongolia. A Rekord of Travel and Exploration in North-West Mongolia and Dzungaria. With three Capters on Sport by J. H. Miller. Vol. II (2).
Unkwown Mongolia. A Rekord of Travel and Exploration in North-West Mongolia and Dzungaria. With three Capters on Sport by J. H. Miller. Vol. II (2). Unkwown Mongolia. A Rekord of Travel and Exploration in North-West Mongolia and Dzungaria. With three Capters on Sport by J. H. Miller. Vol. II (2). Unkwown Mongolia. A Rekord of Travel and Exploration in North-West Mongolia and Dzungaria. With three Capters on Sport by J. H. Miller. Vol. II (2). Unkwown Mongolia. A Rekord of Travel and Exploration in North-West Mongolia and Dzungaria. With three Capters on Sport by J. H. Miller. Vol. II (2). Unkwown Mongolia. A Rekord of Travel and Exploration in North-West Mongolia and Dzungaria. With three Capters on Sport by J. H. Miller. Vol. II (2). Unkwown Mongolia. A Rekord of Travel and Exploration in North-West Mongolia and Dzungaria. With three Capters on Sport by J. H. Miller. Vol. II (2).

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Preis: 220,00 EUR
(inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten)

Carruthers, Douglas: Unkwown Mongolia. A Rekord of Travel and Exploration in North-West Mongolia and Dzungaria. With three Capters on Sport by J. H. Miller. Vol. II (2).


London, Hutchinson & Co., 1913.

Bericht des Abenteurers und Naturforsches Douglas Carruthers (1882 – 1962) über seine Reisen und Forschungsarbeiten in der Mongolei und der (chinesischen) Dsungarei im frühen 20. Jahrhundert. Report of the explorer and naturalist Douglas Carruthers (1882 - 1962) on his travels and research in Mongolia and the (Chinese) Dsungarei in the early 20th century. Mit 168 Abbildungen, Panoramen und Diagrammen sowie 6 Karten (zum Teil ausfaltbar). Ferner mit Register und großformatiger Faltkarte im Anhang. With 168 Illustrations, Panoramas and Diagrams, and 6 Maps (partly unfoldable). Also with index and large folded map in the appendix.


X S., S. 319 – 659 (Paginierung von Band I zu Band II fortlaufend). Blauer Original-Ganzleinenband mit goldgeprägtem Rückentitel und Kopfgoldschnitt.

Einband leicht berieben; Seiten überwiegendenteils etwas gelbfleckig. Gutes Exemplar des sehr seltenen Expeditionsbandes. Cover slightly rubbed; Most of the pages partly a bit stained. Good copy of the very rare expedition book.

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