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Sixteenth (16th) Report of the Director of Veterinary Services and Animal Industry, Onderstepoort, Pretoria, August, 1930.
Sixteenth (16th) Report of the Director of Veterinary Services and Animal Industry, Onderstepoort, Pretoria, August, 1930.

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Preis: 38,00 EUR
(inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten)

Union of South Africa. Department of Agriculture.: Sixteenth (16th) Report of the Director of Veterinary Services and Animal Industry, Onderstepoort, Pretoria, August, 1930.


Pretoria, The Government Printer, 1930.

Mit zahlreichen, teils farbigen Abbildungen und Illustrationen. I. Protozoal Diseases. II. Virus Diseases. III. Bacterial Diseases. IV. Parasitology. V. Mineral Deficiency and Metabolism. VI. Pathology. VII. Gland Grafting. VIII Plant Studies and Poisonous Plants. IX. Animal Indistry. X. Miscellaneous.


592 S. Blauer Original-Softcoverband.

Gutes Exemplar (good copy).

Sachgebiet Landwirtschaft

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