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Jewish Immigrants of the Nazi Period in the U.S.A, Sponsored by Research Foundation for Jewish Immigration, New York and Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung, technische Universität, Berlin. 6 Bände (in 8 Bänden), 6 volumes in 8
Jewish Immigrants of the Nazi Period in the U.S.A, Sponsored by Research Foundation for Jewish Immigration, New York and Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung, technische Universität, Berlin. 6 Bände (in 8 Bänden), 6 volumes in 8 Jewish Immigrants of the Nazi Period in the U.S.A, Sponsored by Research Foundation for Jewish Immigration, New York and Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung, technische Universität, Berlin. 6 Bände (in 8 Bänden), 6 volumes in 8 Jewish Immigrants of the Nazi Period in the U.S.A, Sponsored by Research Foundation for Jewish Immigration, New York and Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung, technische Universität, Berlin. 6 Bände (in 8 Bänden), 6 volumes in 8 Jewish Immigrants of the Nazi Period in the U.S.A, Sponsored by Research Foundation for Jewish Immigration, New York and Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung, technische Universität, Berlin. 6 Bände (in 8 Bänden), 6 volumes in 8 Jewish Immigrants of the Nazi Period in the U.S.A, Sponsored by Research Foundation for Jewish Immigration, New York and Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung, technische Universität, Berlin. 6 Bände (in 8 Bänden), 6 volumes in 8

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Preis: 380,00 EUR
(inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten)

Strauss, Herbert A. (Ed.): Jewish Immigrants of the Nazi Period in the U.S.A, Sponsored by Research Foundation for Jewish Immigration, New York and Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung, technische Universität, Berlin. 6 Bände (in 8 Bänden), 6 volumes in 8


New York, München, London, Paris, K. G. Saur, 1978 - 1987.

Vol. 1: Archival Resources. Vol. 2: Classified and Annotated Bibliography of Books and Articles on the Immigration and Accultaration of Jews. From central Europe to the USA. Since 1933. Vol. 3/1: Guide to the Oral History Collection of the Research Foundation for Jews Immigration, New York. Vol. 3/2: Classified List of Articles Concerning Emigration in Germany. Vol. 4: Jewish Emigration from Germany 1933 - 1942 Part 4/1: Programs and Policies until 1937; Part 4/2: Restrictions on Emigration and Deportation to Eastern Europe). Vol. 5: The Individual and Collective Experience of German-Jewish Immigrants 1933 - 1984. Vol. 6: Essays on the History, Persecution, and Emigration of German Jews.


XXVIII, 279, XXXIII, 286, XXXVI, 152, XXII, 177, 726, 308, 411 S. Blaue Original-Hardcoverbände im Format 24 x 15 cm.

Sehr gutes, nahezu neuwertiges Exemplar (very good, almost like new copy).


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