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Zone 1 (Deutschland) 5,00 €
Zone 2 (EU) 12,00 €
Zone 3 (Restl. Europa) 16,00 €
Zone 4 (Weltregion 1) 19,00 €
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Angebot SB-0441Schließen
Who's who in Medicine. Edition Germany - Austria - Switzerland. 2nd Enlarged Edition. A biographical directory containing 6.000 biographies of distinguished medical persons in Germany, Austria and Switzerland as well as a listing of 250 medico-scientific organizations. Edited by Otto J. Groeg.
Who's who in Medicine. Edition Germany - Austria - Switzerland. 2nd Enlarged Edition. A biographical directory containing 6.000 biographies of distinguished medical persons in Germany, Austria and Switzerland as well as a listing of 250 medico-scientific organizations. Edited by Otto J. Groeg.

Klicken Sie auf eines der Bilder, um die Bildergalerie zu öffnen.

Preis: 17,00 EUR
(inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten)

Who's who in Medicine. Edition Germany - Austria - Switzerland. 2nd Enlarged Edition. A biographical directory containing 6.000 biographies of distinguished medical persons in Germany, Austria and Switzerland as well as a listing of 250 medico-scientific organizations. Edited by Otto J. Groeg.


Ottobrunn nr. Munich, Who's Who-Book & Publishing GmbH, 1975


Roter Kunstlederband mit vergoldeten Rückentiteln und Kopfgoldschnitt, 595 S.

Renommiertes Nachschlagewerk über Koryphäen und Wissenschaftsorganisation der Medizin im Deutschland der Siebziger Jahre

Sachgebiet Medizin

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